Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Bithday PAPA JIM,,!!

Today its my grandpa's Birth Day, And i want to tell him how a wonderful man it is,,!!
so here is goose.! Papa Jim you are the best grandpa in the hull wide world..!!! You are the best grandpa in the world because,: You Are the greatest, You are the Funniest, You are the Best Grandpa That i have ever seen..!! I Love you to infinity and beyond and back
Love always,,!!
P.s I miss you all in america,,!!
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1 comment:

Jill & Emmalee said...

Jenna, You did a beautiful job with your message for Papa Jim!!! We love you very much and miss you very much!!! Love always Bean, "auntie" Rob, Josh, Brad and Emmalee!

I am very Proud of you!!!!!!!!